Browsingrome - Trip Planner

Helping you around Rome

Planning your trip

Imagine planning your trip to Rome with a friend who lives in Rome sitting next to you. Especially if it’s your first visit.

Now that would make your trip planning so much more of a breeze.

Rome is overwhelming. No doubt about that.

It can be frustrating and time consuming to research main attractions, places to eat, which tour companies to book with, when to see certain attractions and the list goes on.

So little time, so many things to see and do.

If you want to avoid all that trouble, contact me for a 30-minute consult. We can talk on Skype, Messenger or WhatsApp. Whichever is most convenient for you.

I am not a travel agent nor a tour guide. But I live and breathe the city.

It’s been home for more than 10 years. And I believe I know more than a thing or two to help you plan a memorable stay in the city.

Cost: €50 for 30-minute consult*

Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome

How it works

In the contact form below, share the details about your trip and the specifics you need help with. Also indicate your available date(s) and time(s) for the consult. Consult hours: Monday-Friday 12pm-8pm Central European Time.

I’ll reply within 24 hours (usually sooner) with follow-up questions and confirm the time of the consult. Or suggest alternative times. You will also receive a link for payment via Paypal.

Once payment is received and we agree on the date and time, we’ll chat for 30 minutes.

The chat will be with one person only, ideally the main person planning the trip.

An invoice will be sent to you after the consult.

Giardino delle rose in Rome

Get in touch to receive immediate support!

Your questions
(Please indicate your available date(s) and time(s) for the consult)

Your name (required)

Your Skype/Messenger/WhatsApp contact

Your email (required)

Views of Rome


* Why is a consult only 30 minutes? I believe we’ll be able to fully address your questions in that time. If you feel you need more consults after our first chat, you’ll receive a 20% discount on following consults (€40 instead of €50).